由Google來介紹Associate Android Developer認證是什麼吧


Introducing Associate Android Developer Certification by Google


The Associate Android Developer Certification program was announced at Google I/O 2016, and launched a few months later. Since then, over 322 Android developers spanning 61 countries have proven their competency and earned the title of Google Certified Associate Android Developer.

「自從2016 Google I/O發表AAD認證以來,直到今年的1月為止,共有322位Android開發人取得這個獨特的認證,各分佈在61個國家」

To establish a professional standard for what it means to be an Associate Android developer in the current job market, Google created this certification, which allows us to recognize developers who have proven themselves to uphold that standard.


We conducted a job task analysis to determine the required competencies and content of the certification exam. Through field research and interviews with experts, we identified the knowledge, work practices, and essential skills expected of an Associate Android developer.


The certification process consists of a performance-based exam and an exit interview. The certification fee includes three exam attempts. The cost for certification is $149 USD, or 6500 INR if you reside in India. After payment, the exam will be available for download, and you have 48 hours to complete and submit it for grading.

註: 2017年8月考試時間縮減為24小時

In the exam, you will implement missing features and debug an Android app using Android Studio. If you pass, you will undergo an exit interview where, you will answer questions about your exam and demonstrate your knowledge of Associate Android Developer competencies.

「你的工作就是完成一個Android App中所有未實作的功能,並使用Android Studio開發工作進行除錯,評分通過後必須進行線上面談,在這個面談中回答有關這個測驗的相關問題,並證明你擁有AAD認證要件中所列出的知識與能力。」

Earning your AAD Certification signifies that you possess the skills expected of an Associate Android developer, as determined by Google. You can showcase your credential on your resume and display your digital badge on your social media profiles. As a member of the AAD Alumni Community, you will also have access to program benefits focused on increasing your visibility as a certified developer.

看了這個劃時代的Android證照的介紹後,你心動想挑戰它嗎? 如果你已具有數個大型專案的經歷,面對十幾個Activity、Service與最新的Material Design都能輕鬆解決問題,是時候試著去取得它,為自己的專業能力加上Google的光芒。也可以選擇由第一時間取得AAD認證Hank老師所設計的 Google認證Android開發員考照能力培訓,避免找尋資訊與方法的冗長時間,用密集培訓的方式強化專案開發能力,證明自己的開發專長是有效的,且符合國際規格。
更新(2017-06-18): AAD的考題大概一到兩個月會出現新題型,最近RecyclerView與SQLite資料庫的要求越來越靈活,對於應試者的要實務經驗要求越深入,建議有心想考的朋友,要再多花點時間在不同的RecyclerView與CursorLoader與Service應用案例上。


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